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Join Us

Corporate Supporters

The We Believe You Fund will recruit corporate partners willing to commit to a series of essential conditions that will make their workplace culture—and our society—a more equitable, safe place for women.

For corporations to truly invest in this effort, they must acknowledge their role in shaping this culture and their responsibility for providing the solution. We will call on these bold corporate leaders to:

  • Invest in the We Believe You Fund;
  • Hire an internal auditor or third-party monitor to assess policies, practices and culture;
  • Invest in the monitor’s recommendations, including consistent policies for all employees at all
  • Create a pipeline to recruit and retain more people of color and women; and
  • Recruit additional corporations to the We Believe You Fund.


Your voices are powerful and your experiences are valid. We invite you to join our Survivors’ Committee to define what cultural accountability and justice look like beyond punishing individuals.

You’ll participate in rich conversations to guide us in developing the resources to develop large scale public education efforts around consent and respect.

We’ll also connect you with the tools and tips to raise awareness of your advocacy online.


Together, we will increase the impact of local advocacy groups led by women and people of color that are on the frontlines of direct services, innovative education programs and dismantling the rape culture.

We will push forward the legal and policy solutions that permanently address the root causes of sexual harassment and violence against women.

And we will incubate new efforts that address structural and systemic causes of the abuse of power.

Let’s partner together to co-create these efforts. Make an investment into safe workplaces or meet with us to discuss how we can partner together.